Tips for oily skin

Several people complain of having oily skin.People with oily skin find it hard to make their face look fair.It looks darker than it actually is. Here are a few tricks that will work on oily skin to make you look fairer,and keep your skin clean.

1).Cold Water Face Wash: The first and most important thing is to keep your face clean. Use cold water to wash your face. Repeat the washing procedure at least 7 or 8 times in a day. This is necessary to get rid of the accumulated oil and dirt on your face. 

2).Salt Face Wash: Salt is an ingredient that your skin will find useful, though only in limitedquantities. When you wash your face,make it a point to add some salt to the water. Just a pinch of salt will be enough to do the magic.Salty water has got the property to absorb excess oils from your face.As such,it will prove very beneficial for your skin.

3).Clean face softly: Do not be too rough on your face.After you finish off with the washing, make sure you clean out your face softy. Pat dry very soft. Be as soft as you can, with your face. Patting quite harshly has the chance to hurt your skin. So, do not be too rough.

4).Cucumber juice, Honey: Here is a very good home for oily kin. It is a typical usage in most house-holds. Take a testy cucumber and take out the juice from it. Get some honey, and add a few drops of it to the cucumber juice. Mix the two ingredients well and apply all over your face. Let the solution stay on your face for face. Let the solution stay on your face for about 15 to 320 minutes to dry out. After that, use lukewarm water to wish off. Your face becomes really clean.

5).Egg White Face Wash: If you are a non-vegetable, you could use this tip. Take an egg and separate the white from it. Use this egg white to apply all over your face. Leave it on till it dries, for about 15 to 20 minutes. Wash it off to get clean skin. This can be used as a fainess mask. Try this remedy twice every week for best results.

6).Raw Milk: This is a product that improves your skin tone. It makes you fairer.This is a common product used on babies.