How to avoid, smoking, drinking this Christmas - psychologist

Don'ts for Naturally Beautiful Skin

1. Eat much oily food, spicy food, fermented and fried foods. Avoid a high sugar diet as it interrupts with the skin cells balance.

2. Taking a gap in between the skincare routine is not a good idea. Following a regimen occasionally and expecting an ever-lasting result is a foolish idea.

3. Smoking will lead to poor skin as the nicotine present in it would block the oxygen flow to the skin cells.

4. Avoiding your skin type is a big mistake! Using cosmetics and homemade remedies that suit your skin type will help you, or else the efforts are in vain.

5. Exfoliating more than twice a week will be a disadvantage.

6. Do not forget the rose water as it helps soothe your face and relax it.

7. The main mistake- Don’t go to bed with your makeup on as it clogs the pores and your skin gets affected due to that.

8. Do not ignore facial exercise like looking at the ceiling and pouting along with the jawline as it helps to stretch the muscles making the skin stronger.

9. Avoid touching your face every now and then as your hands are filled up with dirt and touching your face with it will cause trouble for skin.

10. Popping the pimples is not one of the brightest ideas as it leads to inflammation and marks on the face which is not good.

Hence, taking these few steps will help you keep your skin healthy. Whether you are blessed with flawless and glowing skin or not, taking care of your skincare routine, lifestyle and diet will help you get blessed.

And be it 80s or 90s naturally glowing skin is always a fashion in trend.