What Is Acacia Honey? - Is It the Best Honey In The World? - Honey ...


A short presentation

Anti-inflammatory action with benefits for the airway, helpful against sore throat, dry throat and cough, energizing action, able to protect the stomach and the digestion, detox effect on the liver, mild laxative action, for external applications has moisturizing and protective properties, useful to treat dry skin, irritated skin and acne

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Robinia pseudoacacia, commonly known as black locust or false acacia, is a tree that belongs to the Fabaceae family. Thanks to this plant one of the best known and well appreciated honey is obtained. This honey is characterized by a light yellow color and a liquid consistency, it has a delicate taste and it also very versatile, it is highly digestible and energizing and for this reason it is the ideal choice for a breakfast or snack for sporty people or for those people who are going through a very stressful time and for students. In addition to this, acacia honey has also a detox activity on the liver and is able to improve the intestinal functions with a mild laxative effect. It is able to counteract sour stomach and, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, can be added to herbal teas and decoctions, after letting them cool down a bit, in order to bring relief in case of problems of the respiratory tract, sore throat, cough and dry throat. Moreover, acacia honey can also be used as an ingredient for the preparation of cosmetics for the skin of face, hands and body thanks to its moisturizing and protective action, perfect in case of dry skin, irritated skin and acne. You can prepare a mask by applying directly the honey on the face or on the body, let it rest for 30 minutes then rinse with lukewarm water.